Effective Exception Testing in Kotlin with assertFailsWith: A Comprehensive Guide

As professional developers, we know that testing is an essential part of the software development process. While most developers focus on testing happy paths and expected behavior, testing exceptional cases and error handling is every bit as important. Neglecting to properly test exceptions can lead to critical bugs, unhappy users, and long debugging sessions.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll take a deep dive into exception testing in Kotlin, with a particular focus on the assertFailsWith function. We‘ll explore why exception testing matters, how it differs from Java, and share best practices and expert tips to help you write effective, maintainable tests for your Kotlin code.

Why Exception Testing Matters

Before we jump into the specifics of exception testing in Kotlin, let‘s take a step back and consider why it‘s so important. According to a study by the University of Cambridge, software bugs cost the global economy an estimated $312 billion per year, with programmers spending 50% of their time debugging (Brady, 2013). While not all of these bugs are related to exception handling, a significant portion are.

Properly testing exception handling code helps us:

  1. Verify that our code fails fast and predictably when encountering errors, rather than silently corrupting data or causing hard-to-debug issues down the line.
  2. Document and enforce the expected error behavior of our APIs, making our code more robust and maintainable.
  3. Catch edge cases and unexpected errors before they make it to production.

In short, neglecting exception testing is like driving a car without seatbelts – it might save a little time upfront, but it‘s not worth the risk.

Exception Testing in Kotlin vs Java

If you‘re coming from a Java background, you‘re likely familiar with the traditional approach to exception testing using JUnit‘s @Test annotation and the expected parameter:

@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testInvalidInput() {

While this syntax gets the job done, it has some notable limitations:

  1. The test will pass if any exception of the specified type is thrown, even if it‘s not directly related to the code being tested.
  2. You cannot easily inspect the thrown exception to verify additional properties like the message or cause.
  3. The syntax is verbose and not particularly expressive.

Kotlin addresses these issues with the assertFailsWith function, which is part of the kotlin.test library. Here‘s how the above test would look in Kotlin:

fun testInvalidInput() {
    assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> {

The benefits are immediately clear:

  1. The exception is expected to be thrown directly by the code in the lambda block, so there‘s no ambiguity about the source.
  2. The assertFailsWith function returns the thrown exception, so you can run additional assertions on it (more on this later).
  3. The syntax is concise and expressive, clearly communicating the intent of the test.

In the following sections, we‘ll explore the assertFailsWith function in more depth, but the advantages over the Java approach should already be apparent.

Mastering assertFailsWith

Now that we‘ve seen why exception testing matters and how Kotlin improves on Java‘s approach, let‘s take a closer look at assertFailsWith. Here‘s the function signature:

inline fun <reified T : Throwable> assertFailsWith(block: () -> Unit): T

Let‘s break this down:

  • assertFailsWith is an inline function, meaning the compiler will copy the function body directly to the call site to avoid the overhead of a function call.
  • The type parameter T specifies the expected exception type, which must be a subclass of Throwable.
  • The block parameter is a lambda that contains the code we want to test.
  • The function returns the thrown exception, allowing for further assertions.

Using assertFailsWith is straightforward – just wrap the code you want to test in a lambda and pass it to the function:

val exception = assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> {

If myFunction throws an IllegalArgumentException, the test will pass. If it throws a different type of exception or no exception at all, the test will fail with a clear error message.

Asserting Exception Properties

One of the key benefits of assertFailsWith is the ability to inspect the thrown exception and verify additional properties. This allows for more thorough and targeted testing.

For example, let‘s say we want to verify that a function throws an IllegalArgumentException with a specific message when passed an invalid argument. We can do that like this:

fun testInvalidArgument() {
    val exception = assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> {
    assertEquals("Invalid argument: invalid", exception.message)

Here we‘re using JUnit‘s assertEquals to verify that the exception message matches our expectation. We can use similar techniques to assert on any other property of the exception, such as the cause, stack trace, or a custom property.

This granularity allows us to write very precise tests and catch subtle bugs that might be missed by simply checking the exception type.

Testing for Multiple Exceptions

In some cases, a function might throw different types of exceptions depending on the input or state. assertFailsWith can handle this case as well by chaining multiple calls:

fun testMultipleExceptions() {
    assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> {
    assertFailsWith<ArithmeticException> {

This test will pass only if myFunction throws an IllegalArgumentException for an input of -1 and an ArithmeticException for an input of 0.

Reusing assertFailsWith Results

If you need to run multiple assertions on the same exception, you can save the result of assertFailsWith in a variable to avoid duplicating code:

val exception = assertFailsWith<MyException> {
    // code that throws MyException
assertEquals("error message", exception.message)
assertTrue(exception.cause is IOException)

This approach keeps your test code DRY and readable.

Best Practices for Effective Exception Testing

Now that we‘ve covered the mechanics of using assertFailsWith, let‘s discuss some best practices for writing effective exception tests.

  1. Focus on testing the most important failure scenarios, not every possible edge case. Aim to cover the common error cases and those with the highest impact first.
  2. Keep your tests specific and targeted. Test for specific exception types and properties rather than broad catch-alls. This makes your tests more meaningful and maintainable.
  3. Use clear and descriptive test names that communicate the scenario and expected behavior, e.g. testInvalidArgumentThrowsException.
  4. Avoid overspecifying tests with hard-coded error messages. Instead, focus on the key parts of the message that are unlikely to change.
  5. Use data-driven testing techniques like parameterized tests to cover a wide range of input scenarios without duplicating code.
  6. Don‘t neglect other types of testing, such as positive case testing and integration testing. Exception testing is just one part of a comprehensive testing strategy.
  7. Run your tests frequently, ideally as part of a continuous integration pipeline. The sooner you catch a failure, the easier it will be to diagnose and fix.

In my experience, following these practices has helped me catch numerous bugs and edge cases that would have been difficult to find through manual testing. It requires discipline and diligence, but the payoff in terms of software quality and maintainability is undeniable.

Exception Testing and Kotlin‘s Type System

One of the great advantages of Kotlin‘s type system is that it helps catch many common errors at compile time rather than runtime. Features like non-nullable types, smart casts, and strict null checks prevent entire categories of bugs that are common in Java.

However, this doesn‘t mean that exception testing is unnecessary in Kotlin. There are still many scenarios where runtime exceptions can occur, such as:

  • Invalid user input
  • Network or I/O errors
  • Insufficient resources (e.g. out of memory)
  • Logical errors in business rules

In fact, Kotlin‘s concise and expressive syntax can sometimes make it easier to overlook potential exceptions. For example, consider this snippet of code:

val result = someMap[key]?.let { transform(it) } ?: defaultValue

At first glance, this may look safe and elegant. However, what if transform can throw an exception? If we don‘t handle that case explicitly, it will propagate up the call stack and potentially crash the application.

This is where assertFailsWith and good exception testing practices come into play. By proactively testing for potential exceptions, we can verify that our code handles errors gracefully and doesn‘t introduce any unintended behavior.

In my team‘s Kotlin codebase, we‘ve made exception testing a key part of our code review and QA process. It‘s not uncommon for a reviewer to request additional exception tests to verify edge cases and error handling paths. This extra rigor has caught numerous subtle bugs and made our code more resilient overall.

Alternatives to assertFailsWith

While assertFailsWith is a versatile and powerful tool for exception testing in Kotlin, it‘s not the only option. For more advanced use cases, you may want to consider using a dedicated assertion library like AssertJ or Atrium.

These libraries provide a fluent, chainable API for building assertions, including exception assertions. For example, here‘s how you might test an exception with AssertJ:

assertThatThrownBy { myFunction(-1) }
    .hasMessageContaining("Invalid argument")

The main advantage of these libraries is the expressive and readable syntax for building complex assertions. They also often provide additional features like soft assertions and better IDE integration.

However, for most common exception testing scenarios, assertFailsWith is more than sufficient. It‘s a simple, lightweight solution that doesn‘t require any additional dependencies. In my experience, it‘s a good default choice unless you have specific needs that warrant a more heavy-duty assertion library.


Exception testing is a critical but often overlooked aspect of building robust, maintainable software. By proactively verifying that our code handles errors and edge cases correctly, we can catch bugs early, improve reliability, and provide a better experience for our users.

Kotlin‘s assertFailsWith function is a powerful tool for exception testing that offers significant advantages over the traditional JUnit approach in Java. Its concise, expressive syntax and support for additional assertions make it a joy to use for Kotlin developers.

However, assertFailsWith is just one piece of the puzzle. To get the most benefit from exception testing, it‘s important to follow best practices like focusing on the most critical scenarios, keeping tests specific and targeted, and running them frequently as part of a CI pipeline.

It‘s also important to remember that exception testing isn‘t a silver bullet. It‘s just one part of a comprehensive testing strategy that should also include positive case testing, integration testing, and other types of verification.

As a full-stack Kotlin developer, I‘ve seen firsthand the benefits of rigorous exception testing. It‘s not always easy, and it requires discipline and diligence, but the payoff in terms of software quality and developer productivity is immense. By embracing exception testing and tools like assertFailsWith, we can write Kotlin code that is more robust, reliable, and maintainable over the long haul.


  • Brady, R. (2013). The high cost of software errors: A study of software failures and their impact on businesses, individuals, and society. University of Cambridge Judge Business School.

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