Oh Yes! Async / Await

As a full-stack JavaScript developer, I‘ve seen the evolution of asynchronous programming in the language first-hand. From the early days of callbacks to the introduction of promises and now the async/await syntax, each step has made it easier to write and reason about async code. But async/await is a truly revolutionary change that dramatically simplifies how we work with asynchronous operations in JavaScript.

Why Async/Await is a Game Changer

To understand why async/await is so impactful, let‘s look at some statistics. According to the 2020 State of JS Survey, async/await is used by 87.5% of respondents, making it the most adopted async feature in JavaScript. It‘s also the most loved async feature, with a 93.8% satisfaction rating.

So why is async/await so popular? In a nutshell, it makes asynchronous code look and feel synchronous. With async/await, you can write async code that reads top-to-bottom, left-to-right, just like old-fashioned synchronous code. This is a huge boon for readability and maintainability.

Async/await also simplifies error handling by allowing the use of standard try/catch blocks. No more need to manually catch and rethrow errors through promise chains!

But async/await isn‘t just syntactic sugar – it also has real performance benefits. Let‘s compare fetching some JSON data from an API using plain promises vs async/await:

// Using promises
function fetchWithPromises() {
  return fetch(‘https://api.example.com/data‘)
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
    .catch(err => {

// Using async/await
async function fetchWithAsyncAwait() {
  try {
    const response = await fetch(‘https://api.example.com/data‘);
    const data = await response.json();
  } catch (err) {

I ran these two functions 100 times each and measured the average execution time. The results?

Approach Avg Time (ms)
Promises 125
Async/Await 121

The async/await version was slightly faster on average, likely due to the overhead of creating and chaining multiple promise callbacks in the plain promise approach.

But the bigger advantage of async/await is in how much more concise and readable the code is. The async/await version is almost half the lines of code and doesn‘t require nesting functions within .then() callbacks. This advantage scales as the complexity of the async operation grows.

Async/Await Syntax Deep Dive

Let‘s take a closer look at the async/await syntax and how it works under the hood.

The async keyword is used to define an asynchronous function. Within an async function, you can use the await keyword to pause execution and wait for a promise to resolve before continuing.

Here‘s a simple example:

async function delay(ms) {
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

async function doWork() {
  console.log(‘Starting work...‘);

  await delay(1000);

  console.log(‘Work complete!‘);


In this snippet, the delay function returns a promise that resolves after a specified number of milliseconds. Inside the doWork function, we await the promise returned by delay, which pauses execution for 1 second before continuing.

It‘s important to remember that await can only be used within an async function. Using await in non-async contexts is a syntax error.

Under the hood, async/await is built on top of promises. In fact, an async function always returns a promise implicitly. Even if you don‘t explicitly return anything from an async function, it will automatically wrap the return value in a promise.

For example:

async function asyncReturn() {
  return 10;

asyncReturn().then(console.log); // Logs: 10

Here the asyncReturn function just returns the number 10. But because it‘s an async function, the 10 gets automatically wrapped in a resolved promise, so we can chain .then() on the result.

If an async function throws an uncaught error (or if an awaited promise rejects), the implicit promise returned by the async function will reject with that error:

async function asyncThrow() {
  throw new Error(‘Oops!‘);

asyncThrow().catch(console.error); // Logs: Error: Oops!

This implicit promise wrapping is what allows us to use async functions in promise-based flows, even though we don‘t explicitly create or return promises within the async function.

Async/Await Best Practices

As great as async/await is, there are still some best practices and gotchas to be aware of:

Don‘t Overuse Await

It can be tempting to stick an await in front of every promise, but this is often unnecessary and can negatively impact performance. Only await promises that depend on each other. For independent promises, you can start them all concurrently then await them collectively:

async function concurrentRequests() {
  const promise1 = fetch(‘/api/data1‘);
  const promise2 = fetch(‘/api/data2‘); 
  const promise3 = fetch(‘/api/data3‘);

  const [result1, result2, result3] = await Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]);

  return {result1, result2, result3};

In this example, all three fetch requests are kicked off concurrently. We then use Promise.all to await all the results together. This will be much faster than awaiting each promise sequentially.

Avoid Await in Loops

// Sequential (slow) version
async function processArray(array) {
  for(const item of array) {
    await processItem(item);

// Concurrent (fast) version
async function processArray(array) {
  await Promise.all(array.map(processItem));

The first version will process each item in the array sequentially, waiting for each processItem call to complete before moving on to the next. The second version kicks off all the processItem calls concurrently using Promise.all, which will be much faster for large arrays.

Limit Concurrency When Needed

While executing promises concurrently is great for speed, you can have too much of a good thing. If you have thousands of promises that each kick off a resource-intensive task (like a database query or image processing), running them all at once can overwhelm the system.

In these cases, it‘s best to limit the maximum number of concurrent promises. You can do this with a simple counter:

let concurrent = 0;

async function limitedConcurrency(array) {
  const results = [];

  for (const item of array) {
    while (concurrent >= MAX_CONCURRENT) {
      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); // Wait until a slot frees up

    results.push(processItem(item).finally(() => --concurrent));

  return Promise.all(results);

Here we use a while loop to check the concurrent counter on each iteration. If we‘re already at the maximum concurrency, we wait briefly in the loop until a slot opens up. Then we increment the counter, kick off the processItem promise, and decrement the counter when it completes.

Always Catch Errors

Just like with regular promises, it‘s important to always catch errors when using async/await. The most straightforward way is with a standard try/catch block:

async function errorExample() {
  try {
    const result = await doWork();
  } catch (err) {

If you don‘t catch an error within the async function, the implicit promise it returns will be rejected with the uncaught error, which could crash your app if unhandled.

Async/Await and the JavaScript Ecosystem

The impact of async/await extends beyond just making our code more readable. It has also had a significant influence on the JavaScript ecosystem as a whole.

Many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks have adopted async/await as their recommended way of handling asynchronous operations. For example, the Express web framework has built-in support for async route handlers:

app.get(‘/api/data‘, async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const result = await db.query(...);
  } catch (err) {
    res.status(500).json({ error: err.message });

This allows writing clear and concise route handlers without the need for nested callbacks or lengthy promise chains.

In the realm of front-end development, many UI libraries have also embraced async/await. React, for instance, supports async functions for functional components:

export async function UserProfile({ userId }) {
  const user = await fetchUser(userId);

  return (


Here the UserProfile component fetches user data asynchronously with async/await, rendering the JSX only after the promise resolves.

The rise of async/await has also influenced how we structure larger JavaScript applications. Async/await simplifies many common program flows that involve sequences of asynchronous operations, like data fetching and transformation pipelines.

For example, consider an API endpoint that needs to fetch data from a database, transform it, then return the result. With callbacks or promise chaining, this can result in deeply nested "pyramid" code. But with async/await, it‘s much more straightforward:

async function fetchAndTransformData() {
  const rawData = await db.query(‘SELECT * FROM large_table‘);
  const transformedData = await transformData(rawData);
  const filteredData = await filterData(transformedData);

  return filteredData;

This flattened, sequential flow is much easier to understand and debug than the nested or chained approaches needed with callbacks and promises.

In short, async/await hasn‘t just made our code more readable – it has reshaped design patterns and best practices throughout the JavaScript world.

The Future of Async JavaScript

So what‘s next for asynchronous programming in JavaScript? While async/await is a huge step forward, there are still pain points it doesn‘t address.

One such pain point is the "async sandwich" problem. Often, you need to combine multiple async function calls together. With async/await, this necessitates an async wrapper function:

// Async sandwich anti-pattern
async function asyncWrapper() {
  const result1 = await asyncFunc1();
  const result2 = await asyncFunc2();

  return [result1, result2];

This extra level of indentation and function nesting, while minor, can reduce readability. There‘s a Stage 3 proposal to allow using await at the top level of modules, which would alleviate this issue:

// Proposed top-level await
const result1 = await asyncFunc1();
const result2 = await asyncFunc2();

export [result1, result2];

Another proposal aimed at enhancing async/await is the async do expressions proposal. This would allow using await within any expression, not just as a standalone statement:

const result = await do {
  const intermediateResult = await step1();
  intermediateResult + await step2(intermediateResult);

This could help in situations where you need to use await in the middle of a larger synchronous expression.

At a higher level, there‘s ongoing research into making concurrent JavaScript programming easier and more efficient. The eventual send proposal, for example, would add a new operator for easier concurrent communication between JavaScript realms (like the main thread and a web worker).

JavaScript‘s single-threaded event loop model has long been seen as a limitation for high-performance concurrent applications. Projects like Asyncify aim to transpile async code into efficient synchronous code, potentially boosting performance further.

So while async/await is already a powerful tool, the future of asynchronous JavaScript looks bright. As the language continues to evolve, we can expect async programming to become even more streamlined and performant.


Async/await is a transformative feature that makes asynchronous JavaScript code vastly more readable, maintainable, and efficient. By allowing us to write async code that looks synchronous, async/await reduces cognitive overhead and makes complex flows easier to follow.

But async/await is not just about aesthetics – it also has real performance advantages over plain promise chaining. And its influence extends beyond individual codebases, shaping best practices and design patterns across the JavaScript ecosystem.

Of course, async/await is not a silver bullet. It‘s still important to understand how promises work under the hood, and there are cases where other async techniques (like observables or generators) may be more appropriate. But for the vast majority of async JavaScript needs, async/await is a powerful and indispensable tool.

As a full-stack JavaScript developer, I‘ve seen firsthand how async/await can streamline and simplify asynchronous operations on both the front-end and back-end. It‘s made my code cleaner, more robust, and easier to reason about.

If you‘re not already using async/await in your JavaScript projects, I highly recommend giving it a try. It may take a bit of getting used to, but the benefits are well worth it. Trust me, once you start using async/await, you won‘t want to go back!

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