The Python Sleep Function – How to Make Python Wait A Few Seconds Before Continuing, With Example Commands

As a Python developer, you‘re usually concerned with making your programs run as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, there are times when you may actually want to slow things down and introduce an intentional delay. That‘s where Python‘s sleep() function comes in handy.

The sleep() function is part of Python‘s built-in time module. As the name implies, it puts your program to "sleep" for a specified amount of time. While sleeping, your program is paused – it doesn‘t execute any further Python statements until the sleep time has elapsed.

In this expert guide, we‘ll take an in-depth look at how to use sleep() to make your Python programs wait a few seconds before continuing. We‘ll walk through the syntax for importing and calling sleep(), then explore a variety of practical examples to illuminate the common use cases for this handy function. Finally, we‘ll discuss some best practices to keep in mind so you can use sleep() judiciously and avoid some common pitfalls.

Importing and Using the sleep() Function

Before you can call sleep() in your Python program, you first need to import it from the time module. There are two ways you can do this import:

from time import sleep

This option imports just the sleep() function. It allows you to call sleep() directly without prefixing it with the module name.

import time

Alternatively, you can import the entire time module. This makes sleep() and all the other functions in the module available, but you‘ll need to prefix them with "time." when calling them.

Whichever approach you choose, make sure to put the import statement at the top of your Python file.

With the import taken care of, you‘re ready to start using sleep(). The syntax is straightforward:


The sleep() function takes a single argument: the number of seconds you want your program to pause. This argument can be an integer or a floating point number. For example:

from time import sleep

print("Resuming after 5 seconds")

When you run this code, you‘ll see the following output:

Resuming after 5 seconds

The 5 second delay happens between the two print statements. The program reaches the sleep(5) line and pauses there for 5 seconds before moving on to the next line.

While 5 seconds is a nice round number for an example, you can pass any number of seconds you want to sleep(), including fractional amounts. For instance, sleep(1.5) would pause your program for 1.5 seconds.

Practical Examples of sleep() in Action

Now that you know the basics of importing and calling sleep(), let‘s walk through some more in-depth, practical examples to give you a sense of how you might use this function in real programs.

Adding Dramatic Pauses to Text

One common use for sleep() is adding dramatic effect when printing text. For example, you might use strategic pauses in a text-based adventure game to build tension and suspense.

from time import sleep

print("You enter a dark cave...")
print("Suddenly, you hear a loud roar!")
print("A huge dragon appears from the shadows...")

Here the 3 and 2 second pauses between the print statements add a cinematic, dramatic quality to the text. It mimics the way dramatic pauses are used in movies and TV shows to ratchet up tension.

Of course, use this technique sparingly and only where it truly enhances the user experience. Making your user wait too long between every line of text will probably just annoy them.

Simulating Real-World Delays

Sometimes you use sleep() to simulate real-world delays and make your program feel more natural. For instance, let‘s say you‘re writing a web scraper that downloads pages from a site. To avoid slamming the site‘s server with tons of requests, you might intentionally insert a short delay between each download:

import requests
from time import sleep

urls = [‘,‘,‘,

for url in urls:
response = requests.get(url)
print(f"Downloaded: {url}")

This code loops through a list of URLs, downloading each in turn. The sleep(1) call means there will be a 1 second pause after each page is downloaded, which lightens the load on the target server.

APIs are another area where you commonly need to add delays to simulate and abide by real-world constraints. Many APIs have rate limits specifying a maximum number of requests allowed per second or minute. sleep() is an easy way to throttle your code to stay within those limits:

import some_rate_limited_api
from time import sleep

for i in range(100):
results = some_rate_limited_api.get_data()
print(f"Got {len(results)} results")

Imagine this API has a rate limit of 30 requests per minute. With the 1.5 second delay added by sleep(), this code will only make about 40 requests per minute, keeping it roughly within the limit and avoiding any penalties or lockouts.

Creating Timestamps

In our final practical example, we‘ll use sleep() to generate a series of timestamp values at regular intervals. This could be handy for instrumenting a long-running process and noting the time at various checkpoints.

from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep

for i in range(5):
now =
print(f"{i+1}: {now}")

When you run this, you‘ll see output like:

1: 2023-04-11 09:30:00.000000
2: 2023-04-11 09:30:01.500000
3: 2023-04-11 09:30:03.000000
4: 2023-04-11 09:30:04.500000
5: 2023-04-11 09:30:06.000000

By calling sleep(1.5) each time through the loop, we get a series of timestamps spaced about 1.5 seconds apart. We could log these timestamps to a file to record the progression of a program.

Best Practices for Using sleep()

While sleep() is simple to use, there are a few things to keep in mind to avoid misusing it.

First, make sure any delays you add are actually necessary and beneficial. Overusing sleep() and making your program needlessly sluggish is a sure way to frustrate users. Always carefully consider whether a delay truly improves your program before adding one.

When you do use sleep(), start with the shortest delay that achieves your goal. Don‘t just pick an arbitrary number of seconds – think critically about how much time is really needed. You can always increase the delay later if needed, but err on the side of shorter pauses to start.

Also be careful about using sleep() in tight loops or in code that runs very frequently. Even short delays can add up quickly in those situations and bog your program down. If a piece of code is performance-sensitive, sleep() may not be appropriate.

Alternatives to sleep()

While sleep() is useful in many situations, it‘s not always the right tool for the job. If you need more advanced scheduling capabilities, the sched or schedule modules may be a better fit. These allow you to schedule function calls for specific times rather than just introducing a generic delay.

For waiting on I/O or other external events, async programming with asyncio or threading may be more appropriate than sleep(). These let you pause a task while waiting on something, without holding up your entire program.

The key is to choose the right tool for each situation. sleep() is great for simple delays, but don‘t try to force it into scenarios where a more special-purpose tool would be better.


We covered a lot of ground in this deep dive on Python‘s sleep() function. You learned how to import sleep(), how to call it with different time delay arguments, and walked through a host of examples illustrating practical ways to use it in your own programs. We also touched on some best practices for using sleep() sensibly and avoiding misuse.

Armed with this in-depth knowledge, you‘re now prepared to wield sleep() wisely in your own code. Just remember: a well-placed sleep() can make your programs feel more natural and engaging, but too much of a good thing can really slow you down. As with many aspects of programming, the key is to use sleep() judiciously and always keep the end user experience in mind.

Now go forth and happy coding! And always get enough sleep() yourself – not just in your programs.

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