620+ Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start

The world of computer programming is evolving at a mind-boggling pace. As demand for coding and software development skills continues to surge across industries, both aspiring and experienced programmers face the challenge of keeping their skills sharp and up-to-date.

Fortunately, the rapid growth of online learning has made it easier than ever to access high-quality programming training, often completely for free. This month alone, over 620 free online courses in programming and computer science are starting from top universities and companies around the world.

In this article, we‘ll take a deep dive into the best free online programming courses starting in March 2022. Whether you‘re just starting to learn to code or you‘re a veteran developer looking to branch out into new specializations, you‘re sure to find courses that can help you reach the next level in your programming career.

The Skyrocketing Demand for Programming Skills

Before we jump into the course listings, it‘s worth taking a moment to reflect on just how explosively the field of computer programming has grown in recent years. As technology steadily becomes the backbone of every industry, programmers find themselves in higher demand than ever.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for software developers is projected to grow 22% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. This amounts to around 316,000 new software development jobs within the decade (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021).

Occupation Projected Percent Change, 2020-30 Projected Numeric Change, 2020-30 (thousands)
Software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers 22% 316.0
Web developers and digital interface designers 13% 25.5
Computer programmers -10% -36.0
Total, all occupations 8% 11,879.9

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program

The outlook for specific languages and technologies is similarly bright. For example, the popularity of Python has exploded in recent years, experiencing an incredible 456% growth in usage since 2011 (Puget Systems, 2021). Other fast-growing languages include JavaScript, C++, and Java.

As the job market for programmers heats up, the skills gap is becoming painfully apparent. In a 2021 survey, 64% of software developers reported that there is a shortage of software developers in the U.S. (CoderPad, 2021). Countless companies report difficulties finding qualified programmers to fill open roles.

The takeaway is clear: There has never been a better time to learn programming skills. And with hundreds of free online courses at your fingertips, it‘s never been more accessible to get started. Let‘s take a look at some of this month‘s best offerings.

Course Analysis & Recommendations

This month‘s lineup of free online programming courses truly offers something for everyone. With over 620 courses to choose from, the most difficult part is figuring out which one to take! Let‘s break down some key considerations.

Beginner vs. Intermediate vs. Advanced

One of the most important factors when choosing a programming course is assessing the difficulty level and whether it aligns with your current skills. Courses are generally broken down into:

  • Beginner courses which assume little to no prior programming knowledge. These are best for complete newbies to coding or those learning a new language from scratch.

  • Intermediate courses which assume basic proficiency and aim to expand your knowledge. Take these if you already have some experience programming but want to delve deeper into a language or fill in gaps in your skillset.

  • Advanced courses which tackle complex, specialized topics for more seasoned programmers. These are best if you already have significant experience but want to become an expert in a particular domain.

When in doubt, it‘s usually best to start with a more introductory course to ensure you have a solid foundation before progressing to more advanced topics. Many courses list prerequisites or recommend background knowledge so you can assess if you‘re ready to dive in.

Choosing a Language/Technology

Another key point to consider is what programming language or technology you want to learn. As different languages are suited to different purposes, it‘s helpful to have a goal in mind for what you want to accomplish with programming.

  • Python is a versatile, beginner-friendly language that can be used for anything from web development to data analysis to machine learning. It‘s a great choice for first-time programmers.

  • Web development skills like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are must-knows for anyone looking to build websites and web applications. Start here if your goal involves anything web-related.

  • Data science typically involves Python, SQL, and R programming to wrangle, analyze and visualize data. If you like working with data and statistics, this is a lucrative field to specialize in.

  • Computer Science courses tend to focus on core programming concepts, algorithms, and theories that underlie all programming. If you‘re looking for a deep dive into the fundamentals, start with Intro to CS courses.

  • Other languages like Java, C++, and many more, each have their own specialized uses. Research what types of applications each language is typically used for to figure out which one aligns with your goals.

Remember, you don‘t have to pick just one! Over the course of your programming journey, you‘ll likely end up learning multiple languages. Many of the concepts you learn in one language will transfer over and make it easier to learn additional languages later on.

Unique Benefits of Free Online Courses

Taking free online programming courses offers several distinct advantages over other methods of learning to code. The biggest benefit is of course the price tag – with zero financial barriers, anyone can access high quality learning resources taught by top instructors.

Online courses are also uniquely flexible and self-paced compared to traditional classroom courses. You can fit learning around your existing schedule and work through material at whatever pace you‘re comfortable with. This makes learning to code accessible even for those with full-time jobs or family obligations.

Many learners also find that the focused, digestible format of online courses helps them retain information better than slogging through dense textbooks. Courses typically include a mix of short video lectures, quizzes, hands-on projects, and supplemental readings to reinforce your understanding.

Perhaps most importantly, online courses offer a structured learning path to keep you on track. Instead of trying to cobble together your own curriculum, you can rely on expert instructors to guide you through the most important concepts and skills in a logical order.

Lastly, many online courses offer certificates of completion that you can display on your resume or LinkedIn to demonstrate your new skills to potential employers. In an increasingly virtual world, any opportunity to signal your knowledge can help you stand out in the job market.

Tips for Learning to Code Faster

Learning to program can be a slow process fraught with frustration. But there are a few key strategies you can use to make the journey a bit smoother:

  1. Learn by doing. It‘s tempting to get stuck in "tutorial hell" and spend all your time passively watching lecture videos. But the best way to ingrain new knowledge is by putting it into practice. All the courses recommended here include hands-on exercises – be sure to do them!

  2. Take breaks. When the going gets tough, it‘s easy to beat yourself up and feel like you‘ll never get it. But taking regular breaks can help keep you sane and avoid burnout. Step away from the keyboard, rest your brain, and come back with a fresh perspective.

  3. Build your own projects. Working on personal projects is the ultimate way to apply your skills and stay motivated to keep learning. Start small by tweaking examples from your courses, then gradually attempt bigger projects that interest you.

  4. Don‘t be afraid to ask for help. Every programmer from the greenest newbie to the most grizzled veteran gets stuck sometimes. But there are tons of resources to turn to for help – course forums, Stack Overflow, documentation, even your fellow students. Don‘t suffer alone!

  5. Consistency trumps intensity. Trying to cram too much information into your brain at once is a recipe for forgetting most of it. You‘re better off studying a little bit each day and building a consistent habit. Even 30 minutes of focused practice each day can really add up over time.

Dive into New Specializations

As you grow your essential programming skills with broad, beginner-friendly courses, you may find yourself gravitating toward particular areas that interest you. Luckily, there are also plenty of specialized courses that can help you take a deep dive into more niche domains.

Some specific subfields with in-depth course offerings this month include:

  • Cybersecurity: As the threat of cyber attacks looms larger than ever, cybersecurity skills are in red-hot demand. Courses like HarvardX‘s CS50 Introduction to Cybersecurity and Cybrary‘s CompTIA Security+ cover everything from networking basics to ethical hacking.

  • Mobile development: With smartphones now the primary computing device for many, developing mobile apps remains as lucrative as ever. Courses like Introduction to iOS App Development and Android Basics can teach you how to create functional, user-friendly apps from scratch.

  • Game development: If you want to try your hand at building interactive games, courses like CS50‘s Introduction to Game Development and Michigan State University‘s Game Design and Development Specialization offer fantastic jumping-off points.

  • DevOps: This mashup of "development" and "operations" has emerged as a crucial field focused on optimizing and automating the software development lifecycle. Learn the tools of the trade through courses like Introduction to DevOps and DevOps Engineering on AWS.

These are just a few of the specialized directions you might decide to steer your programming education. The beauty of online courses is that they empower to you explore any area that sparks your curiosity.

Beyond Courses: Supplemental Learning Resources

As incredible of a resource as online courses are, they are ultimately just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to learning programming. To really round out your education, it‘s wise to tap into supplemental resources like:

  • Books – Many learners find it helpful to reinforce their knowledge by working through a structured programming textbook. Look for ones that include exercises and projects to test your understanding.

  • Podcasts – Tuning into programming podcasts can be a great way to absorb new concepts during your commute or downtime. Some top picks include CodeNewbie, Programming Throwdown, and Base.cs.

  • YouTube tutorials – For more visual learners, YouTube offers an endless supply of coding tutorials and walkthroughs. Some top-notch channels to check out include Codecourse, Traversy Media, and Freecodecamp.

  • Coding challenges – Websites like HackerRank, Codewars, and Project Euler offer endless programming puzzles to solve. These bite-sized challenges are perfect for flexing your coding muscles whenever you have a little spare time.

  • Open source projects – One of the best ways to hone your skills is by reading other people‘s code. Find an open-source project related to your interests, read through the codebase, and see if you can contribute some code of your own.

Remember, true programming proficiency comes from attacking problems from every angle and with every resource at your disposal. The more different ways you engage with coding in your day-to-day life, the more deeply your skills will take root.

Embrace the Journey

In the end, perhaps the most crucial ingredient to becoming a masterful programmer is embracing the journey of lifelong learning. The world of technology evolves so quickly that even the most brilliant programmers have to continuously study and adapt to keep up.

As acclaimed physicist Richard Hamming once put it, "Education is what, when, and why to do things. Training is how to do it." Throughout your programming career, you‘ll need to draw on both your education and training to solve ever-changing problems with creativity and skill.

So as you embark on another month of free online programming courses, keep in mind that this is just one small chapter in the much grander story of your growth as a programmer. No single course can teach you everything. But if you make learning a daily practice and remain eternally curious, there will be no limit to how far your programming abilities can carry you.

Happy coding!


Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021). Occupational Outlook Handbook: Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers. U.S. Department of Labor. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/software-developers.htm

CoderPad. (2021). The 2021 State of the Software Engineer. https://coderpad.io/state-of-the-software-engineer/

Puget Systems. (2021). Python Growth Trend. https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/Python-Growth-Trend-2021-2047/

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