How to Swap Two Array Elements in JavaScript – Switch Elements in JS

As a JavaScript developer, you‘ll frequently work with arrays of data. One common operation is swapping the position of two elements within an array. Whether you‘re implementing a sorting algorithm, manipulating user-entered data, or randomizing an array, knowing how to efficiently swap array elements is an essential skill.

In this guide, we‘ll explore several approaches to swapping array elements in JavaScript with detailed examples. By the end, you‘ll have a solid grasp of when and how to use each technique in your own code. Let‘s dive in!

What Does Swapping Array Elements Mean?

First, let‘s clearly define what we mean by "swapping" array elements. Say we have a simple array of numbers:

let myArray = [10, 25, 50, 100, 200];

Swapping two elements means changing their positions in the array. For example, if we wanted to swap the positions of 10 (index 0) and 100 (index 3), the resulting array would be:

myArray = [100, 25, 50, 10, 200];

The values at the specified indexes are exchanged while leaving the other elements in their original positions. With that understanding, let‘s look at different ways to achieve this in JavaScript.

Approach 1: Using a Temporary Variable

One straightforward way to swap array elements is by using a temporary variable. We‘ll store one of the element‘s values in a temporary variable, overwrite that element‘s value with the other desired element, then use the temporary variable to update the other element. Here‘s how it looks in code:

let myArray = [10, 25, 50, 100, 200];

// Store first element‘s value in a temporary variable
let temp = myArray[0]; 

// Overwrite first element‘s value with second element‘s value  
myArray[0] = myArray[3];

// Assign temp to second element
myArray[3] = temp;

// [100, 25, 50, 10, 200]

This works, but requires multiple lines of code and a temporary variable. The next approach improves on this.

Approach 2: Using Array Destructuring

ECMAScript 6 introduced array destructuring – an elegant way to unpack values from arrays into distinct variables. We can use destructuring to swap array elements in a single line of code, no temporary variable needed!

let myArray = [10, 25, 50, 100, 200];

// Swap elements at indexes 0 and 3
[myArray[0], myArray[3]] = [myArray[3], myArray[0]];

// [100, 25, 50, 10, 200]

The destructuring assignment [x, y] = [value1, value2] unpacks value1 into x and value2 into y. By specifying myArray elements on both sides, we exchange their values in one fell swoop.

Destructuring provides a concise, readable way to swap array elements. However, there are times when modifying the array directly is preferable, which brings us to our next approach.

Approach 3: Using the splice() Method

The splice() array method lets you add and/or remove elements anywhere in an array. It takes an index to start changing the array, the number of elements to remove, and any elements to insert.

We can leverage splice() to swap array elements by removing one element and inserting the other in its place:

let myArray = [10, 25, 50, 100, 200];

// Remove element at index 0 and insert myArray[3]
myArray.splice(0, 1, myArray[3]);

// Remove element at index 3 and insert original myArray[0] value 
myArray.splice(3, 1, 10);

// [100, 25, 50, 10, 200]

Though not as concise as destructuring, using splice() can be useful if you need to modify the array directly or you‘re swapping elements based on values rather than a known index.

Approach 4: Creating a Swap Function

To keep our code DRY, let‘s create a reusable function that swaps array elements given an array and two indexes:

function swapElements(arr, index1, index2) {
  [arr[index1], arr[index2]] = [arr[index2], arr[index1]];

let myArray = [10, 25, 50, 100, 200];

swapElements(myArray, 0, 3);

// [100, 25, 50, 10, 200]

Now we have a handy utility function to swap elements whenever needed. The function modifies the original array passed to it, providing a flexible way to integrate array swapping into our code.

Swapping Elements in Multidimensional Arrays

The above approaches work great for one-dimensional arrays, but what about multidimensional arrays? No worries! The concepts are the same, we just need to adjust our indexing.

Let‘s swap elements in a 2D array or "array of arrays":

let my2DArray = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]];

// Swap elements at indexes (0, 1) and (2, 0)
[my2DArray[0][1], my2DArray[2][0]] = [my2DArray[2][0], my2DArray[0][1]];

// [[1, 5], [3, 4], [2, 6]]

By chaining indexes [row][column], we access individual elements and swap them just like in a 1D array. The same approach applies for arrays of higher dimensions.

Element Swapping in Algorithms

We‘ve focused on manually swapping array elements, but many algorithms like sorting and shuffling rely heavily on element swapping under the hood.

For example, the bubble sort algorithm compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they‘re in the wrong order. Here‘s a simple implementation:

function bubbleSort(arr) {
  let len = arr.length;

  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < len - 1; j++) {
      if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {
        [arr[j], arr[j+1]] = [arr[j+1], arr[j]];

  return arr;

let unsorted = [4, 2, 7, 1, 3];
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 7]

Understanding how to efficiently swap array elements is key to grasping how these common algorithms work.

When to Use Each Swapping Approach

We‘ve seen multiple ways to swap array elements, but when should you use each approach? Here are some general guidelines:

  • If you need to swap elements at known indexes and want the most concise code, use array destructuring. It‘s clean, readable, and doesn‘t require a temporary variable.

  • If you‘re swapping elements based on certain conditions rather than known indexes, using splice() to directly modify the array can be more intuitive and require fewer array accesses.

  • If you‘re swapping elements frequently in your codebase, consider creating a helper swap function to keep your code DRY and readable.

  • For swapping elements while sorting an array, destructuring or a temporary variable is commonly used since the exact indexes being swapped are known in advance.

In Summary

In this guide, we covered multiple ways to swap array elements in JavaScript:

  1. Using a temporary variable
  2. Array destructuring
  3. Using the splice() array method
  4. Making a reusable swap function.

We saw how to apply these techniques for both 1D and multidimensional arrays and touched on their role in sorting algorithms.

Equipped with this knowledge, you‘ll be able to efficiently swap elements in any array-related coding scenario. Practice using each approach, and over time you‘ll intuitively know which one to reach for.

Further Reading

To dive deeper into array manipulation, explore these resources:

  • A Guide to JavaScript Array Methods on freeCodeCamp
  • Destructuring Assignment on MDN Web Docs
  • Sorting Algorithms Visualized on

Happy coding!

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