Boost Your Programming Skills by Reading Git‘s Code

As a full-stack developer, one of the most valuable things you can do to become a better programmer is to read high-quality codebases from successful open source projects. It‘s like pair programming with the top developers in the world – exposing you to new paradigms, clever optimizations, and battle-tested design patterns that can take your…

The Best Git Tutorials: Master Version Control and Collaborate Like a Pro

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I cannot overstate the importance of mastering Git. It is the foundation of version control and collaborative development in the software industry. Whether you‘re a beginner just starting out or an experienced developer looking to enhance your skills, finding the right Git tutorial can make all the difference…

Bash Shortcuts to Supercharge Your Git Workflow

As a busy software engineer, you likely spend a significant portion of your day interacting with Git. Creating branches, committing changes, pushing code, rebasing, merging—it‘s an integral part of modern development workflows. But all those Git commands can involve a lot of typing, which takes precious time and mental energy. What if you could reduce…

A simple Git guide and cheat sheet for open source contributors

Contributing to open source projects is a rewarding way to learn, share knowledge, and build experience. But if you‘re new to Git and GitHub, the process can seem daunting at first. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire workflow, from forking a repository to submitting your first pull request. It also serves as…

Merging vs. Rebasing: A Git Guide for Full-Stack Developers

As full-stack developers, we spend a significant portion of our time working with version control systems like Git. Two of the most common operations for combining changes between branches are merging and rebasing. While both accomplish the same goal, they do so in very different ways. Understanding the distinctions is critical for maintaining a clean…

Git for Absolute Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

If you‘re new to programming, learning Git is essential. As a distributed version control system, Git allows you to track changes to your code, revert to previous versions, create branches to work on features separately, and collaborate with other developers. It‘s a fundamental tool used by almost all software teams. In this beginner‘s guide, we‘ll…

Bring Your Git Repository to Life: Animating Commit History with git-story

As developers, we rely heavily on version control systems like Git to manage our code projects. Git tracks every change made to the codebase, providing a detailed history of the project‘s evolution over time. While Git‘s commit logs and diff outputs are informative, they can be a bit dry and abstract. Wouldn‘t it be nice…

Advanced Git Tools—Interactive Rebase, Cherry-Picking, Reflog, and more

As a full-stack developer, git is an indispensable part of my toolkit. While the basic add, commit, push, and pull commands are a good start, mastering git‘s advanced tools can make you a more efficient and effective coder. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore some pro-level git features including interactive rebase, cherry-picking, reflog, submodules, and…

A Beginner‘s Guide to Git: What is a Changelog and How to Generate it

As an experienced full-stack developer, I‘ve worked on countless software projects over the years, from small personal experiments to large-scale enterprise applications. One practice that I‘ve found invaluable across all these projects is maintaining a clear, concise, and up-to-date changelog. In this comprehensive beginner‘s guide, we‘ll dive deep into the world of changelogs. We‘ll start…

A Beginner‘s Guide to Git — How to Write a Good Commit Message

As a full-stack developer, one of the most important skills to master is effective use of version control, typically with Git. While it‘s fairly straightforward to learn the basic Git commands to stage and commit your code changes, it takes a bit more thought to use Git in a way that makes your development process…